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Re “GOP drive to impeach president kicks off” (Sept. 29):

When Watergate started, no one on Earth thought it would lead to the president of the United States resigning from office. There was no evidence linking Nixon to the break-in at the Watergate until a dogged and unrelenting effort by investigative reporters uncovered the whole sordid detail of the illegal operation and cover-up.

Just like Nixon, Biden is using every instrument of his governmental power to deflect and obstruct an honest and thorough investigation of the facts of the case.

If he was innocent, he would cooperate by turning over all relevant documents, including bank records, to the House Oversight Committee.

— William David Stone, Irvine


Assembly Bill 1228

Re “Newsom OKs new Fast Food Council, worker pay boost” (Sept. 29):

Newsom signed a $20-an-hour pay raise for fast food workers of national franchises to prove he is nothing but a national progressive socialist. Despite the fact that these national companies don’t sign the paychecks, for the pay comes from small franchise owners. Janice Hahn wants to implement the same type of control and raise medical workers minimum to $25 per hour. Are they going to cherry-pick industry after industry until they destroy our free capital market society? A constitutional republic and democracy with individual liberty is absolutely incompatible with socialism. Is this legally constitutional or is it Newsom’s desire to destroy this state and country?

— Winston Marshall, Lomita


Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s record of achievement

To suggest in your editorial on Oct. 3 that Senator Feinstein’s record was a “mixed bag” is to suggest that her greatest strengths did not clearly outweigh her few weaknesses.

She was the most prepared senator on any issue before her. She was kind and very popular. She knew more about terrorism than any other member of the Senate.

In San Francisco she provided comfort and acceptance to AIDS victims when other politicians were turning a blind eye.  She did not support Clinton’s Defense of Marriage Act, and eventually supported same-sex marriage and parenthood. She made mistakes for sure, but if more senators were like her, things in Washington might be better.

— Mary Dickinson, Alta Loma